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Summer Camps
Take your music lessons to the max by learning to play in different group formations and performing! Open to students outside the studio as well.
Rock Band Camp

Grades 6th-12th
Learn how to play in a rock band setting. As a group you will learn and play up to 4 different rock songs. Learn about arranging, playing solos and playing in time Learn basics about promoting a band.
Final performance time and Location TBA
June 24-27
9 AM - 1 PM
Bring a Sack lunch
Cost is $195

Camp Performance

Grades 6 - 12th
Learn how to play in acoustic band setting. Become a real band! Learn to play 3-4 songs together. The final includes a street performance on the last day in front of Goldenrod bakery and a final performance TBA. These camps help take your music lessons a step further!
June 10-13
9 AM - 1 PM
Bring a Sack lunch
Cost is $195

Camp Performance
Folk Band Camp
Songwriting Camp

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